how can i want to be with another girl when i am with a girl that i really love?
2006-04-10 13:13:04 UTC
how can i want to be with another girl when i am with a girl that i really love?
Five answers:
2006-04-10 13:16:42 UTC
lust is an evil thing ... feelings of lust and temptation are NORMAL as far as i'm concerned, it's when you act on them that causes trouble.

think back to what intrigued of your current girlfrind. rediscover those feelings with her ... if you are truly happy, this will not be a problem.
2006-04-10 20:23:56 UTC
People are always looking for that PERFECT mate . This other girl you like , she might have qualities that the girl youre in love with doesnt have .

Just stop and think; " Would I do the same things for this new girl that I would do for the one I allready love " .

Youre never going to find the PERFECT person everyone has flaws.

And remember just because youre attracted to this new girl , it doesnt mean your in love with her .
2006-04-10 20:18:18 UTC
You dont really love her as much as you think because if you did you would not want no other. OR Either the other girl has something you like or long for or dont get from your current love.
2006-04-10 20:15:48 UTC
u obviously don't love the other girl and the one that u think u like is really just infatuation ad she should be forgotten because u will end up loosing both
2006-04-10 20:25:14 UTC
Maybe if your ment to be with ur current girlfriend then if u break up with her to go out with this other girl u will go back to her. if ur ment to be then your ment to be. you never know until u try.

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