I need a body board, what is the best brands that are not too expensive...?
she was nobody's nothing
2006-04-21 09:38:04 UTC
Also do I need to buy any other type of equipment?
Two answers:
2006-04-21 10:56:33 UTC
BZ is a really good board,Manta will prob last the longest, toobs are good too. even if you are still starting off, try get something with a bat-tail, which makes it easier to do spinners(360s) that is the most basic move in bodyboarding. you will also need fins to help you paddle onto the waves, i recommend either "vipers","redley's" or "toobs blunt cuts", you will also need wax, a leash or cord, and if you want to avoid a rash on your abbs, a rash guard or vest.
2006-04-21 16:41:11 UTC
buy the surf stuff at a rip curl store or an o"neal one

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