What is the best general purpose solo canoe under $600 for lakes and rivers in South Texas.?
2006-02-28 19:40:32 UTC
I have not canoed since I was 11 and I want to canoe the lakes and rivers around Victoria, Tx. Starting with the easier lakes and working my way up. I need to stay under $600. I want one that I can turn easily although I know that alot of turning is me doing certain paddle positions. I also need it to be light.
Three answers:
2006-03-01 13:20:18 UTC
The Cabela's Canoe is a nice sturdy/light version. I have the 12 ft. and it stears fine, I have used it in lakes and low class rapids in rivers. It will run you about $600
2016-11-07 01:37:48 UTC
Best Solo Canoe
2006-03-01 06:32:23 UTC
the banana boat

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