Why does a barracuda bite a person?
2006-04-10 22:39:43 UTC
I'm going to be snorkeling for the next few days, and I've heard that there are barracudas in the area where I'll be. If I see one, I certainly do not plan to mess with it. What are my chances of being bitten?
Five answers:
2006-04-11 02:32:41 UTC
Well, according to my experience as a Scuba diving Instructor , Great Barracuda usually found as a couple, they slowly swim or hover and they don't really attack human as food unless you are wearing something that is shining and may appear to them as a fish (food). the yellow tail Barracudas are smaller in size and usually found in Schools. and they move very fast and sometimes they can hit you by mistake. they do not attempt to attack. your worst enemy is Panic. enjoy your sport. if you have any more questions about Marine life or Diving please do email me.
2006-04-11 08:26:58 UTC
While the Great Barracuda is armed with flesh shredding teeth and blazing speed, you do not need to worry. One fine summer day I was being pulled by a boat over the shallow waters of the Bahamas, looking for conch, when a rather large barracuda shadowed me. Me not seeing much in the way of conch, decided to strike up a conversation with the barracuda...

Me: My, what big teeth you have.

Barracuda: Why thank you, I just had them polished.

Me: Polished you say, how do you go about that?

Barracuda: I just ate a fine specimen of Queen Triggerfish. The rough skin helps polish my teeth.

Me: So you've just eaten, that is good. No chance of you taking a bite out of me then.

Barracuda: Oh no, no need to worry about that. We don't like the taste of most humans.

Me: Most?

Barracuda: Well we do enjoy a little nip of a fresh Canadian from time to time.

Me: Canadians? Really?

Barracuda: Yes, not sure why. Maybe it has something to do with their diet of Canadian Bacon.

Me: Ahhhh, yes. Canadian Bacon is good.

Me: What about shiny objects?

Barracuda: Doesn't impress me really unless it's a nice watch like a Rolex or something. And not one of those imitation Rolexs that go around in the spam emails, but a real Rolex.

Me: Makes sense. What about body jewelry?

Barracuda: Depends on who is wearing it.

Me: I gotcha. I think I see some conch below so I'm going to drop off. Thanks for your time.

Barracuda: Not a problem. Send my best to Montgomery. (my monkey)

Me: Will do. Take care.
2006-04-10 22:49:23 UTC
Usually because they feel threatened. Just leave them alone and swim the other way. Your chances are pretty low if you respect the Barracuda.
Just a Suggestion
2006-04-10 22:42:03 UTC
Not good. I have been in and around them in the water. Don't antagonize them and you'll be fine.
2006-04-15 16:40:44 UTC
slim to none

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