where is the best place to buy a used surfboard?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
where is the best place to buy a used surfboard?
Three answers:
2016-05-20 07:13:21 UTC
I don't know where you live, so that makes this a tough one. There are at least three Ron Jon surf shops, the one in Orlando is the only one that isn't near the ocean. If that means you don't live near the ocean, you have to work at this a little bit. If you live or visit an ocean area, there are ALWAYS surf shops. The best place to buy a surfboard, any time, ever, at any price, is a surf shop. The surfing professionals there will help you find a board that fits your local breaks, your body size, your skill level and your budget. You need to go to a REAL surf shop, not a bathing suit store that sells some surfboards. Go to a place where they have a bigger inventory of surfboards than sunglasses and Hawaiian shirts. However, if you go in and act like A kook tourist, you may not get the best reception of all. if you are into surfing, they will help you. DO NOT buy a surfboard on line. I have been surfing for 42 years, and there is almost nothing that I would trust buying on line. Well, okay, I did buy a wet suit vest once on line, and some T-shirts, but NOT A SURFBOARD!
2005-12-26 00:11:32 UTC
2005-12-29 23:58:18 UTC
If you're learning to surf, I suggest you rent boards for a while until you can tell the difference in different boards. Then you can make an educated decision on what kind of board you want without dishing out a lot of money on a board that you won't like or won't work for you. If you have friends that surf, borrow their old boards. At least it's free and a great way to experiment on a variety of styles. Be aware of what you like about different boards and how variations to the shape of the board will effect the performance (length, width, rocker, tail, fins, etc). That way when you get a board of your own you'll have some idea of what will work for you most of the time.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.