What is the best kayak?
2005-12-18 17:15:27 UTC
What is the best kayak?
Three answers:
2005-12-20 08:07:36 UTC
What is the use of the kayak going to be? Touring, recreational, white water or ocean . Each of these takes a totally different kayak. Length of the unit is important also.

A good course of information is the magazine "Canoe and Kayak". They have articles that are very helpful on making a decision. Another good way of educating yourself is to go to a tryout demonstration of many different brands and styles. Many dealers hold tryouts a couple of times a year.

This beats renting different models because it is usually free and you can compare all models in the same day.They are usually held on a nice lake by invitation from the dealers.
2005-12-30 15:27:46 UTC
The previous answer by segapalmuser raises good points. It all depends on the use of the kayak. There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to the right kayak.

A good place to research different kayaks is paddling dot net...
2005-12-19 01:17:07 UTC
This is a question better asked to Celine Dion, who wanted kayaks for the katrina victims so that they could "ram down the walls" and save people. She obviously knows her kayak's.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.