what is the best lure fo smallmouth bass?
2006-03-05 11:19:11 UTC
I need a name of a good lure. for smallmouth.
Pleas put a link where i can buy it.
Three answers:
Biff R
2006-03-05 11:19:51 UTC
Rapala, one of the smaller ones.
2016-05-20 11:53:21 UTC
I fish the rivers here for smallies and my number 1 bait is Yamamoto Skirted Double Tail Grub. Use a wide gap hook and run it through the center of the skirt, back out and into the end with the tails. Leave the point exposed, next to the body and it is usually snag free. Use just enough weight to keep it bouncing along the bottom and hang on tight. Big small-mouth love them. Small crawfish colored crank-baits, spinner-baits, tubes and top-water baits can also catch them.
2006-03-05 11:25:03 UTC
I like the Panther-Martin

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